Terrifying Tales From Around The World: The Best Halloween Stories
There’s something about the darkness of autumn and the unending hours of eerie darkness that makes us yearn for spooky stories and chilling tales. Halloween is one of the best times to explore these terrifying tales, which have been passed down from generation to generation, often with sinister intentions. These scary stories have been shared in various cultures across the globe. Here, we take a look at some of the scariest stories known around the world that you can read before bedtime tonight…
Before starting the stories, I am going to recommend you the Top 4 Horror Books that you must never miss ever.
- Reversed Order Existence, a dystopian horror novel by Blaze Goldburst where the world is haunted by reversed order horror.
- Polybius by Phillip Urlevich, a horror fiction revolving around the most controversial horrifying and mysterious game Polybius.
- Lord’s Ordinary Children by Gitasri Pani, a dystopian society in which the forgetfulness trait and the inertia bug are stalking and striking us.
- Ludlow’s Daughter by Dr. Henry Lydo is a spine-chilling book that is a must read for horror romance fans.
Now, let us know the stories from across the world.
Japan: The Bathroom is the Most Terrifying Place in the House
The Japanese view on ghosts starts with the idea that you’re never truly alone. Even if you’re living in a city with millions of people, chances are you’re sharing your space with spirits. The idea of staying in one place for too long will also cause spirits to remain there, causing future occupants to become trapped by these spirits.
This truth is especially prominent in the bathroom, where people tend to stay for longer periods of time. It’s said that the smell of the toilet creates a portal through which spirits can pass, making the bathroom the most terrifying place inside your home. If you ever hear strange noises coming from the bathroom, it’s best not to investigate, as it could be a sign that a ghost is present.
Korea: A Rich Man’s Toy Becomes a Ghost
The folktale of the three-legged dog, or samkki-ga, details the story of a man who made a promise he didn’t keep, resulting in his death and the creation of a ghost. The rich man, who was fond of gambling, made a poor man promise that if he ever won a game, he would share his fortune. Unfortunately for the poor man, the rich man lost, but refused to honour his promise. The poor man, who was now a father, was unable to provide for his child, who was on the brink of death. Desperate, the man broke into the rich man’s home and stole a small wooden carving of a dog, hoping to sell it. He was caught and thrown into jail, where he died without ever revealing what he’d stolen. The carving remained in the jail, being passed from prisoner to prisoner until it was given to a man who was going to be buried alive. Distressed and worried for his life, the man tossed the carving away before being placed in the ground, where it came to life. It’s said that the wood carving came to life and began to bark, alerting the townsfolk to dig up the man. As a reward for saving his life, the rich man promised the dog a good home, and the dog became a guardian spirit.
Spain: Beware of the Basque Witch
As with many other cultures, the Basque people have their own variation of witches, or xtoia. The xtoia are said to be particularly dangerous during times of war, when they would manifest as black birds and attack soldiers. The xtoia are particularly common around San Juan, where they can be identified by their long noses and green feet. Unlike witches in other cultures, the xtoia are malevolent, with the xtoia of San Juan in particular being known for stealing children.
To protect your children from the xtoia, it’s recommended that you place a pig’s tooth under their bed, as the xtoia are terrified of pigs. It was often believed that people protected their homes by hanging a pig’s head above the door, which will repel the xtoia. How strange!
India: Bhoot and Chudakhan
In India, there are many variations of ghosts, including bhoots and chudakans. Bhoots are spirits of the dead who remain on Earth, often due to unresolved issues that they have with the living. They’re very common, and can manifest as insects, snakes or even mental illness. Bhoots are often found in graveyards, where they may try to sneak into the homes of the living. To protect your home from a bhoot, you should keep a coconut by your front door, as they will be unable to enter. If you encounter a bhoot, you can try to banish it using a coconut and a wooden spoon. Chudakans, like bhoots, are spirits of the dead that remain on Earth. They’re particularly common during the monsoon season, when the water will flow into their graves and cause them to rise. As chudakans often rise from the water, it’s good to keep a fish as a pet, as it will keep the chudakans away.
Morocco: Ghoul, Ghouly and Shrouk
Across Morocco, there are numerous variations of ghosts, including ghoul, ghouly and shrouk. Ghoul is Morocco’s version of the Boogieman, and is often said to lurk in the shadows and kidnap children. Ghouly, on the other hand, likes to cause mischief, often by throwing things and making loud noises. Ghouly and shrouk are often confused, with shrouk being a type of ghoul. To protect your home from ghouls, it’s recommended that you place a bowl of water outside your house, as the water will cause them to pause before entering your home.
These scary stories have been shared in various cultures across the globe and may often be shared with others during the Halloween.
Thank you for watching this video. I am Blaze Goldburst, author of Reversed Order Existence and the CEO of Blaze Goldburst Technologies. Support the voice of the promising authors by ordering a copy of their book from the links in the description below. The book merch is also available. Get yours now.
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