How Reverend Crown will bring a change in the Book Industry? Traditional Publishing

How Reverend Crown will bring a change in the Book Industry? Traditional Publishing

Reverend Crown Publications is a traditional publishing company which believes that traditional publishing should not be controlled by the elite or become solely dominated by established authors. New authors deserve an entry into the book industry.

We have seen many aspiring authors getting continuously rejected, their dreams crashing. Only established authors are given a place in this Book Industry and all others are not treated equally. Many aspiring authors are forced to feel demotivated and often quit their dreams. Many are unable to afford self-publishing with the highest quality due to affordability issues.

Reverend Crown will not let dreams crash. It challenges the control of the BIG INFLUENCIAL PEOPLE in the Book Industry and wants every aspiring author with great potential to never give up. No matter how challenging life gets. You will win because you deserve it.

All authors with great potential deserve all the success. Your prosperity is our priority.

For traditional publishing submissions, visit

 Traditional publishing should not be the zone dominated by the established. New voices need to be heard.

I am Blaze Goldburst, the CEO of Blaze Goldburst Technologies. Wishing you immense success in your writing career. We help authors in Book Publishing and Video Book Marketing.

You can support the voice of the aspiring authors by ordering a copy of their book from the links in the description below. The Book Merchandize is also available. Get yours now and let us celebrate the journey of the aspiring author. Let us strive to bring a change in this Book Industry together.

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